here is a photo of me doing my disaster education thing at the bayview community center last month. the picture, taken by jim bovin, appeared in the journal sentinel this weekend.
we did the second round of gift seats on friday at the school of continuing education. i have to say it wasn't as painful as it could have been. michael sat in for us, and everyone made an effort to be kind to one another, offering insight on the way they felt the project went.
i felt some of my critiques were spot on, and some missed the mark by miles. i suppose i've learned that part of this feedback process is to determine what needs to be worked on, and what is a symptom of something else- perhaps a personal issue between the giver of the critique, and the recipient. i can take what i need and leave the rest. the feedback sessions have allowed me to see what i am truly good at, based on more than my opinion. i also have a better grasp on what i enjoy doing, and what might be left for someone else to tackle.
as the year is winding down, i find myself looking forward to the opportunities ahead. i am confident, competent, and strong. i don't know where i'm headed, but it has to be forward.
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