
into the wilderness

samadhi and i joined andrew, amber, kasia, and dave on a hike down the beerline trail saturday. we hiked down through gordon park and listened to tales from vince bushnell about the activities that used to happen along the trail (the railway that helped secure its name, ice skating on the river, rowing, and ski jumping)and descriptions and histories of plants, including native flower species and invasives.

the day was really great. we hiked along and watched the animals around us, felt the breeze and samadhi touched as many plants as he could. it was nice to get out and walk, to take advantage of a neighborhood resource that was quite literally, right in our back yard.

i've been trying to get more involved in the activities around the neighborhood since the beginning of our tsp project. i see the value of all these things around me, and also the opportunity to develop and maintain relationships with others. and the more i find myself interacting with the community, the easier i find it to be a part of the things that are going on.

i am especially becoming entrenched in the green aspects of my neighborhood. i have my whole yard dug up, and seeds are sprouting everywhere. all my neighbors, yound and old, of all races, stop and talk as i pull weeds or plant flowers. it's developing a life of its own while helping me to build a community.

the entire fruit is already present in the seed.

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